Lead with a Story: Experience is the best Teacher [ARR]
Annie's Reading Room Today marks the beginning of our next book, Lead with a Story by Paul Smith. Experience is the best teacher, but a compelling story is a close second. That’s why the Ted talks and your favorite professors are so engaging. Corporations are also recognizing the importance of telling stories. For example, at Nike, all senior executives are dubbed “corporate storytellers.” and several companies teach storytelling skills to their leaders. The book begins with an important question: Why Tell Stories? 1. Storytelling is simple . Anyone can do it. You don’t need a degree in English or even an MBA. 2. Storytelling is timeless . Unlike fads in other areas of management such as total quality management, reengineering, Six Sigma, or 5S, storytelling has always worked for leadership, and it always will. 3. Stories are demographic-proof . Everybody – regardless of age, race, or gender – likes to listen to stories. 4. Stories are contagious ...