Proactiveness is Key: How an MBA Student Successfully Pivoted from Law to Business


Serena Zou
is a first-year full-time MBA student with a concentration in Accountancy at the Zicklin School of Business. She is expected to graduate by May 2026. Serena enjoys spending time in her lower Manhattan neighborhood, running on the Manhattan Bridge, and studying in local coffee shops. 

If I were to use one word to describe Serena, it would be: proactive. Her calm disposition is coupled with determination, creating a dynamic character that has helped her to achieve academic and professional dreams. From my interview with Serena, it was evident how her ambition led to strategic planning and decision making, which eventually led to her landing a summer internship at PwC in just her first semester of the MBA program at the Zicklin School.  

Before pursuing an MBA, Serena worked as a paralegal for six years. Although it was an exciting job, Serena craved more growth opportunities and wanted to develop a strong business career. She therefore recognized that she needed a solid business education and knew that her alma mater Baruch College would be able to provide that foundation. 

As she applied for the Zicklin Full-Time MBA program, Serena used her free time to attend information sessions hosted by Zicklin’s Graduate Admissions team. By doing so, she realized that she specifically desired a career in accounting and was able to make an informed decision about pursuing the MBA Accountancy program.  

After applying and getting accepted into the program, Serena participated in a few pre-MBA opportunities to ensure that she would be well prepared for school. Attending pre-MBA conferences and events would help her adjust to the MBA curriculum more easily. This would then allow her to focus more on learning from her classes 

Some of the pre-MBA programs Serena attended include:  

  • A two-day, in-person conference hosted by The Forté Foundation 
  • A visit to six companies in Boston with other pre-MBA students hosted by Reaching Out MBA 
  • A series of virtual events hosted by McKinsey & Company, of which Serena attended five sessions 

“Do you think all this prep paid off?” I asked.  

“Yes,” Serena replied. It is important for students to think about what they want to do with their MBA before even starting the program. Serena certainly thought about what she wanted to do with her MBA degree and has carefully planned her classes and time to make the most of her education.  

Prior to starting her MBA, Serena also utilized the Graduate Career Management Center’s services. The GCMC has been wonderful,” Serena claimed. Even before the start of my program, the GCMC kept me informed via email... I got accepted to my MBA program on February 15. In early April, I started to receive emails from the GCMC about pre-MBA opportunities...Also...I met with my career coach, Lindsey Plewa. [W]e met for a mock interview session [and] in May, we met for a resume review session...[E]mails from the GCMC... got me to think about career early on.” 

Throughout her first semester, Serena continued to meet with the GCMC’s career coaches, attended information sessions, and took advantage of Handshake services and resources. She was also proactive when it came to employer events. For instance, when Serena registered for a PwC on-campus event, she sent an introductory email to the PwC recruiter before even attending. She then applied for a summer internship at PwC. On the day of the event, Serena introduced herself to the same recruiter in-person and informed them that she had applied for an internship. On another occasion, Serena again met with the same recruiter at a virtual accounting fair. Proactively reaching out to company representatives, introducing herself, and following up after every event helped Serena land an interview and eventually, a summer internship. 

Serena looks forward to making the most of her time at Baruch by prioritizing academics. In fact, she is currently studying abroad in Lyon, France over the winter break. Serena also looks forward to starting her summer internship at PwC, as well as studying for the CPA exam in her second year of the MBA program. Indeed, Serena has every season of the next two years meticulously planned out.  

For students considering an MBA degree, Serena recommends researching and weighing various MBA programs that best suit them. From her research, and from her experience as a Baruch undergraduate alumna, Serena concluded that Baruch offers rigorous business education, has a good career office, and encourages innovation. Furthermore, the school is in New York City, where there are endless opportunities. As a plus, students benefit from all of this at an affordable tuition rate.  

Serena therefore encourages prospective students to attend informational webinars hosted by the Zicklin Graduate Admissions team to get a better sense of what Baruch College is like. Additionally, she recommends students do self-assessments as a way of understanding what they are hoping to get out of their education and if Baruch can help them achieve that goal. Lastly, Serena reminds students that success also greatly depends on the amount of effort students put into their academic and professional pursuits. Diligent work would certainly pay off.  

Although Serena’s recommendations are specifically for potential MBA candidates, her advice can apply to all students and professionals with aspirations and life goals. Do some “soul-searching” to discover what you really want to achieve, plan your next step to reach that goal, step out of your comfort zone, and reach out to people who can guide you. Most importantly, be proactive! Serena’s experience has demonstrated that taking the initiative will at the very least bring you one step closer to accomplishing your academic or professional dream.  

About the author:  

Elizabeth Moy is a graduate student in the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences at Baruch College, pursuing an MA in Corporate Communication. She is also a College Assistant with the Zicklin Graduate Career Management Center.  


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