Neli Desai, an MBA student in the field of Finance and Information Systems, has been interning with HBO, one of the largest premium cable television networks in the United States. Read what she has to share about her experience:

“The positive features of working at HBO primarily are the work culture, work life balance that they provide and the enthusiasm with which every team member works.  My manager was very flexible with respect to my timings as they had to match my college schedule.  The team was very encouraging and welcoming and they trained me in a very short span of time.  They were very friendly and provided guidance at every step.
The weekly meetings helped me understand the process quickly.  Good rapport with the manager was also an important feature that was responsible for the high quality work.  Project meetings and team lunches helped make interaction easy.  Since my job mainly required analyzing data, the theories and concepts from my course CIS 9467: Spreadsheet Modeling helped me in optimizing my analysis using pivot tables and graphical representations in Excel.  Although I had prior knowledge of excel and databases, this internship polished my skills as a SQL coder as well as an analyst, since it involved database querying and data integrity checks.  HBO is a great place to learn and enjoy while learning!”

Neli Desai
MBA, Finance and Information Systems
Graduate Date: May 2012


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