10 Ways the GCMC Staff Gets Their Daily Dose of the News

By Lindsey Plewa-Schottland, Associate Director, Career Advising

Being able to discuss current events with a potential employer has become an increasingly sought after skill.  Additionally, a daily regimen of reading (via app, daily emails, newspaper) can reveal opportunities to meet face-to-face with potential employers, also giving an edge on the job search.

In a recent meeting with fellow career advisors, we discussed how there is a ton of useful information out there, but students we meet with often seem overwhelmed. 

We started discussing the ways each of us source information to stay current on what’s happening in the world and up-to-date on employment trends.  What we found was that each of us has a different approach, but each approach works.

Here are 10 ways the GCMC staff gets their daily dose of the news:

1.      New York Times Daily Briefing: http://www.nytimes.com/newsletters/

2.      Wall Street Journal: http://www.wsj.com/public/page/email-setup.html

3.      Twitter Feed: www.twitter.com

4.      LinkedIn Feed: www.linkedin.com

5.      Google News: https://news.google.com/

6.      theSkimm: http://www.theskimm.com/

7.      The Week: http://theweek.com/

8.      Zite: http://blog.zite.com/about/

10. USA Today Breaking News Email: https://account.usatoday.com/newsletters/

Did we miss anything?  What news sources or apps are you using to stay current? 

Please comment below.

Lindsey Plewa-Schottland
Associate Director, Career Advising

For the last 10 years, Lindsey Plewa-Schottland has coached hundreds of students on how to successfully navigate a job search. She currently works as the Associate Director of Career Advising at the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College where she ensures that MBA and MS students' needs are met through effective coaching sessions and innovative programs.  Prior to working at Baruch College, she ran a professional development program for working professionals pursuing their MBA at the Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York University.  She holds a MA and two professional certificates, one in Adult Career Planning and one in Leadership Skills, from NYU.


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